Life in Vietnam would be perfect if everyone were totally equal. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer in complete sentences.
I totally disagree to the idea of ‘life in Vietnam would e perfect if everyone were totally equal.’ Why?
First of all, people will not change until they are force to or they needed it. This whole idea will not force anyone to change. This will be a complete chaos. Like in the story, ‘Harrison Bergeron,’ himself had broken the law, and stood out to stand for himself. Base on the fact to real-life, people would never give up the power to be equal to others, people had different needs.
Secondly, if Vietnam is perfect by making everyone equal, then we should be our own clone, one hairstyle, bald; one brand, one color clothes, black or white; one type of personality, and many more.
You are designing a society in which everyone is equal. What are the laws?
None, because if you make those laws, then it would make you more powerful then the citizens. That is not calling an equal perfection community. [except for one, you have limited freedom for things]
What would you do to help people who were less capable mentally, physically, or socially to “catch up”?
1. If people are smarter, create a machine to delete some information.
2. If people are less intelligence, create fun that will suit them for a better knowledge.
What problems can you foresee that might come in a society with laws that force “equality for all”? How would you handle those problems?
People would actually break the regulations and have the freedom back, even if they are poor. For a simple solution, I would let the people vote for the equity or the equality.
Do you believe that total equality is possible, or would human nature make sure that some people would eventually dominate others?
I believe this belief won’t even exist in my mind. People will make chaos, lost their own talents to make success in their own ways, and having less what they need. I can’t find a benefit from everyone being equals. The quote, ‘Life is unfair, get use to it,’ is adapted to everyone in the world, I am pretty sure.
In what situations have you felt similarly to any of the characters? What persons, places, or ideas from your own experience came to mind while you were reading this story? Try to list as least two examples.
The person that I felt that they came to my mind so quick is the father, George, the ballerina that wears the most hideous mask, and the H-G men.
George was able to access to the knowledge, but was block because of the laws. You can think of something then forget just because of a sound. I have the same problems, I have a little ear problems since I was an infant, so I easily forget things.
About the ballerina, she had the talents of dancing, but she was force to wears the mask and dance boringly. Just like real-life people can’t get a chance to express themselves, the talents they got. I am talking about the poor people, even though there are different real-life shows for them. That still doesn’t help much. People won’t get the information easily as we thought.
To conclude this, the H-G men was controlling the whole community, would that be fair, taking others privacy. That is our equity, isn’t it?
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